The physical store, your most important touch point.
Create a truly omnichannel experience by being able to recognize your customers even inside the stores.
Those who, in addition to ecommerce, also have physical stores know how important it is to be able to give their customers an experience that is as consistent as possible across channels.
This consistency is one of the keys to creating a unique and personalized customer experience.
Thanks to Blendee, it will be possible to recognize users across the different channels they use, while also integrating information about in-store purchases.
Blendee allows you to equip your salespeople with an artificial intelligence system that, in addition to helping them recognize the user, lets them know whether and what products they have browsed within the site, whether they have products in their shopping carts, and for which products they are showing a greater propensity to buy.
Through analyzing the behavior of similar users, the platform will learn which products are most likely to be of interest to the customer and thus increase the conversion rate of your salespeople.
Thanks to the sophisticated data collection and normalization system developed by Blendee, you will also be able to aggregate and use data collected in-store.
By tracking transactions linked to loyalty cards or explicit product interactions you will be able to measure, for example, the effectiveness of drive-to-store campaigns or improve the attribution of your online investments.
Create Customized Customer Experiences
for Your Users.
Discover the full potential of a Marketing Operating System.
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