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What benefits can I get for my ecommerce by using the Blendee platform?

Blendee is a platform designed to improve your KPIs because it creates unique and personalised experiences for your users. With Blendee you can:

  • Recognise the user
  • Fully personalise communication on all channels

All this naturally brings the following advantages:

  • Increase in sales
  • Increase upselling / cross-selling / drive to store
  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improve ROI
  • Personal shopper online and offline always up to date

Through Blendee you can monitor many metrics in real time including:

  1. Page View increment
  2. Product View increment
  3. Increase Average Order Value (Increase Average Cart Value)
  4. Increase Average Order Size (Increase of the number of products per Medium Cart)
  5. Decrease Remove from Cart
  6. Increase Leads
  7. Increase User registration
  8. Click Trough Rate increase via direct/trigger
  9. Open Rate increase via newsletter/direct/trigger

Why is Blendee different? What are its strengths compared to other personalisation and marketing automation solutions?

Blendee is a different platform for 3 main reasons

  • it is natively omnichannel (online and offline)
  • it allows you to segment users starting from their behaviours and using all data sources in real time, creating dynamic clusters based on the user's lifecycle and beyond
  • it has a customisation engine driven by artificial intelligence that enables predictive marketing strategies

Not enough for you? Delve deeper into each of these points below. Natively omnichannel. Blendee has a horizontal approach. This means that the segmentation and personalisation engine can be shared across all communication channels (website, social, email, store, customer care, etc.). The benefit of this is the ability to share strategies and decisions even among multiple departments (marketing, communication, customer service, retail) in a completely automatic way by simply defining rules for each channel.This approach is substantially different from many solutions that are instead focused on, for example, just personalising the website or just personalising email communication. Blendee interacts in real time with each user regardless of the channel, and this allows for a personalised and consistent experience throughout the customer journey, even offline for example in customer service or point of sale. Blendee has a feature called experience manager that allows you to design personalised experiences by making all channels interact. Dynamic segmentation, on all data, in real time based on the lifecycleTo get a complete view on the consumer you need to take into account all available data by updating it in real time. Blendee does not only personalise the offer based on the user's browsing, but taking into account the entire history and contextual variables. It segments for this in a comprehensive way by identifying the user's status at that exact moment: for example, if he is at risk (because he has not purchased for a long time), if he is waiting (abandoning pages or cart), if he is hero (buying many products and frequently).  Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Marketing. Blendee works on all available data from all sources and constantly learns to refine its knowledge of users. Blendee 's artificial intelligence contains 12 algorithms that can group people based on similar profile and/or behaviour. The machine learning system constantly learns from the audience and all the information concurs to anticipate the next move. As the user interacts with Blendee, the platform reconnects the similarity information and proposes what it considers to be the winning product for sale. In addition, it can independently determine which channel to do so on based on the user's customer journey.

Will I have guaranteed and constant technical assistance?

Certainly. We offer our professionalism to help you achieve your goals. Included in the contract is a package of support hours to get your project started and train you on using the platform. Our clients are then given access to Blendee Academy, a series of free training appointments on the platform and marketing automation strategies to stay up-to-date on the innovations in our world. Last but not least if you follow our social profiles, our blog or subscribe to our newsletter you will receive a series of interesting content to read and download to stay up-to-date on these topics.

Does Blendee allow management of multiple websites and multiple catalogs at the same time?

Sure, Blendee is structured to handle: infinite websites (among which you can share segmentations)  and infinite catalogues (characterised by different languages and currencies)

Can Blendee also work on B2B e-commerce models?

Of course. We can automate learning processes so that our algorithms recognise Business Users and offer different products and communications. Also, the automatic systems will be differentiated so that they don't "clash" with any consumer catalogues.

Installation and Configuration

Once installed, will I have to insert a "div" or "Custom Tag" in each area to be personalised?

No, once you install Blendee, you will be able to manage the personalisations, directly from the dashboard that will be provided. Nothing could be simpler!

Once installed, how long will it take to learn?

Blendee has an original approach in this aspect as well: the learning engine will also learn from your history right away.

In fact, we have developed a process that allows us to train our learning algorithms through artificial intelligence so that right from the start you can benefit from a good level of personalisation.

This will speed up the process that would usually take several months.

In addition to this, our technology allows us to offer a marketing intelligence and marketing automation platform as refined as Blendee even to those who do not have large volumes, understood as monthly page views or a user base that is not too large.

Are special technical skills required to use Blendee?

No, it's very simple. The plugin installation is fast and the structure of the dashboard is designed to make the actions to be done and the metrics to be monitored clear and visible.

Will Blendee integration bring slowdowns to my site? Could it generate errors?

Absolutely not! Blendee scripts do not create problems (unlike other platforms partially developed with server-side functionality). Our algorithms are invoked through JavaScript asynchronously and "exist" within an isolated "Blendee" objectPrecisely because of this, they do not give any problems or slowdowns and look like this (quite similar to the famous Google Analytics scripts): Personalised namespaces: in some cases, some of our clients who wish for various reasons to "keep" the provider of their intelligence technology secret, have asked us to personalise the "namespace" as well so as to have within their website scripts that do not contain but nometuosito. ext.

My e-commerce is developed on a custom / proprietary platform. How can I integrate Blendee?

Integration is feasible and without too much effort.To date, about 40 percent of our customers are using Custom or Proprietary platforms.All you need to do is follow the "Blendee How to" technical manual we provide to integrate Blendee and in no time you will be ready.

My e-commerce is developed on a commercial CMS platform. Can I install Blendee?

Affirmative! Blendee is currently able to support over twenty of the most popular e-commerce platforms. Thanks to the available integrations and plugins (link), customers can safely continue working with their own systems without changing the way they work. Blendee is compatible with every e-commerce and, as mentioned in the previous point, is easily installed!

How do I install Blendee in my e-commerce?

The ease of installation and use is one of the strengths of Blendee. You only need to insert some javascripts that we will send you by email or install our plugins, which are ready for the main platforms on the market (see here our already active integrations).It only takes a few minutes to activate Blendee.


Does Blendee offer a custom search engine?

Absolutely: we offer a system to personalise the search box inside e-commerce so that it shows suggested products and categories even before the user presses the search button!

But we do not limit ourselves to this: we are also able to personalise "Listing Pages," that is, pages with product listings: whether they are category pages, brand pages, tag pages, or search output, this in order to offer a truly comprehensive and structured level of Marketing Intelligence.

Do you offer A/B testing functions?

Certainly, our "experimentation" functions feature an "A/B/X ready go" model: this means that it will be possible to experiment with more than two combinations at the same time.

It is also possible to establish the winning mode (winning content) so that the creativity that performs best at the conclusion of the test is "promoted" as the primary creativity and can go on to generate results.

Can I use Blendee in my physical store?

Of course, Blendee is a solution designed precisely for total retail.You can finally show your stores how digital channels are not "their main competitor" but actually an important ally even in generating "drive to store" business. Our system can be integrated with checkout systems. The sales assistant, once the user is identified, can view the type of active offers, likes and dislikes, and guide the interaction already knowing what has happened on ecommerce and other channels.

Will I be able to manage the discount codes dynamically?

Yes, we confirm, Blendee offers discount code management in both manual and automated ways. That is, you can add or edit a discount code at any time directly from the Blendee platform. If your couponing strategy instead involves dynamic coupon creation and perhaps custom coupons tied to individual users or products, we offer an integration api system so we can synchronise with your CMS.

I already have an active call center. Can you interact with the potentials proposed by Blendee?

Absolutely. With Blendee's intelligence, all support and customer care activities will be facilitated and contribute to business by proposing products, discount codes and promotions without wasting time. Blendee can show call center operators proposals already approved by the marketing department taking into account the user's profile. Support via chat, sms, phone, email you can choose the medium you prefer to make re-engagment more effective for your customers.

How do you generate the product recommendations to be incorporated into the newsletters?

Our recommendations are calculated and generated in real time when the user opens (on open) the newsletter or other e-mail that we sent. Based on historical information about the user (products displayed, previous clicks, purchases, etc.), we are able to offer the most relevant products to each user, in a personalised and unique way!

Does Blendee offer a trigger-related automation system?

Yes, one of Blendee's strengths lies in the very high level of automation. We manage to date over 200 types of triggers on all channels from email to social. Thanks to our "experience manager" feature you can design different processes for each user segment, creating customised paths for each one. Blendee will independently determine based on the outcomes of interactions whether to activate planned triggers.

Is Blendee compatible with e-mail services?

Certainly. Personalisations related to Blendee's recomandation engine can be integrated into any HTML newsletter.Through a few steps, and thanks to simple and intuitive interface, in this way, each recipient can be communicated the best products based on his profile and buying habits, in a personal and unique way. If you already have a referral ESP, we can integrate seamlessly.


What kind of personalisation can I achieve with Blendee?

Blendee allows you to personalise products and messages on a per-user basis (everyone will see different things based on their profile/segment) across all channels: slide shows on your site, banners, pop ups, emails, sms, facebook ads, push notifications, telegram, adwords, etc.Not only can you offer your customer service and point-of-sale channels the opportunity to personalise their communication as well.

How much can I personalise the graphic elements?

At the highest level! In fact, Blendee offers two personalisation modes:the first "simplified" by an editor, which allows even those who do not have technical knowledge (html, css, meta programming) to be able to use and customise the templates provided by Blendee,the second "advanced" through which you can rewrite and modify at will every element managed through Blendee.You will find there all the native style classes of your e-commerce site, so that you can reuse them without having to write additional code. You can personalise the structure of the template, its html and thanks to the meta language offered by Blendee you can insert variables, return product loops etc.

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