Customized Profiling and Customer Experience: Get your Online Business off the ground

What worked in the past in the eCommerce world, as well as in the world of offline sales, today is no longer effective. Consumers are no longer just looking for products, but for real experiences!
Create customized marketing campaigns, build customer loyalty over time and discover how to increase their value with marketing automation and artificial intelligence.

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Marketing Automation: Key Features

Audience Analytics

Find out who your users are and learn how to recognize them, even if they are anonymous: thanks to a sophisticated tracking system, Blendee is able to collect a great deal of information even if users choose not to release their data. This is where artificial intelligence expresses its full potential, predicting rewarding behaviors and solicitations for each individual user.

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Dynamic Recommendations

Customer experience even more relevant to each individual user: thanks to Blendee's artificial intelligence algorithms, it is possible to customize product offers within the different sections of one's online shop, activating effective cross-selling and up-selling strategies and improving performance in terms of conversions and number of new customers acquired.

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Behavioral Messages

One-to-one communications for an even more engaging customer experience: using the behavioral message feature you can personalize your communication with your users, showing them different messages based on the segment they belong to or their website navigation behavior. All this translates into the possibility of always reaching them with relevant and consistent messages at the most opportune moment.

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Trigger Campaigns

Reengage the user once he has performed an action or visited a particular section of the store or in view of a particular recurrence: thanks to the large number of triggers available, it is possible to contact the user on different channels, from social to email, sending personalized and targeted communications. A user's experience does not end on the site, but continues outside, and it is appropriate to enhance it and make it consistent through each channel.

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Google ADS Campaigns

Acquire customers and ring them up also through the use of effective Google ADS campaigns : with Blendee you can synchronize your audiences directly to Google ADS and create customized messages for each different audience segment, optimizing the performance of your campaigns and each advertising investment to the fullest.

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Dynamic Contact Form

Made through a simple and intuitive editor, Blendee's dynamic forms allow questions to be displayed dynamically according to the target segment and at the most suitable time, so as to gather users' tastes and needs and propose products in line with their characteristics and needs.

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