Magento 2

Blendee - Magento Integration

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Create personalized customer experiences for your users and improve the performance of your Magento 2 eCommerce with Blendee.

In a few simple clicks you can integrate your eCommerce with Blendee's MOS thanks to the native plugin developed specifically for ecommerce platforms developed with Magento 2.
Easy and simple to install, during setup it does not cause any slowdown to the site and allows a practical and fast integration of user data, as well as order data and catalog products.

Empowering ecommerce built with Magento 2 with Blendee means, among other things, equipping it with a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence engine that will allow you to segment your audience and predict their behaviors.
You will then be able to learn which users bring the most value to it and implement a truly omnichannel marketing automation strategy using the multiple channels at your disposal.


Quick and easy integration
Sophisticated tracking and profiling systems even for anonymous users
Evolved user segmentation
Real-time customization of content and product offerings
Creating dynamic up-selling and cross-selling strategies


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Create Personalised Customer Experiences
for Your Users.

Discover the full potential of our Marketing Operating System.

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